(message "\n\n\nThis installer script will install YAG_Genesis.\n\n Note that you can Uninstall all by using the UnInstaller script")
(set main_Target
( askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to copy the main program ?")
(help "select directory you want to put YAG_Genesis in")
(default "work:")
(Source "YAG Genesis")
(dest main_Target)
(Source "YAG Genesis.info")
(dest main_Target)
(Source "YAG_Genesis")
(dest main_Target)
(Source "NoPic.pcx")
(dest main_Target)
(message "\n\n\n\nthe Help file will be copied in HELP:")
(Source "YAG Genesis.guide")
(dest "HELP:")
(Source "YAG Genesis.guide.info")
(dest "HELP:")
(if (exists "locale:catalogs/français")
(source "catalogs/YAG_Genesis.catalog")
(dest "locale:catalogs/français")
(message "\n\n\n\nThe only existing catalog file is in french.The buildin language is english, but you can do your own traduction with the provided catalog template. If you do such a thing, please send me a copy , I will then include it in the package !")